Looks great...from the outside...
So today when I arrived home from my day job (I am a teacher during the day and photography assistant by night and weekend....haha) the hubs had made the bed and picked up the house. All looked fresh and wonderful when I walked in the door! There is something about the bed being made that makes a bedroom look much cleaner. So anyways I proceeded with my afternoon routine...hugs and kisses from my sweet little boy, put my things down and headed to the bedroom to change out of my work clothes. I entered our closet and wow...there it was...the enormous pile of clothes that needed to be folded. (Now, a side note, I do not love to fold and put away clothes. I do not mind washing and drying them, but folding and putting them away is not my thing.) So, it hit me...everything looked wonderful when the closet door was closed and you couldn't see the enormous pile of clothes that needed to be folded. From the outside the room and bathroom looked wonderful, clean and show-worthy...but open that closet and all of our secrets were revealed...all the mess.
I couldn't help but think this is how life is. We strive each day to put on our happy face, our makeup, expensive clothing...but on the inside we are a mess. We are struggling with so many things but we are so afraid for others to see the real us. There are days when I would do anything except let others around me see the real things I am struggling with. I, personally, can get so caught up in hiding all those messy things about my life and my heart, that I forget the real reason that I am here. It is ok to be messy sometimes. It is ok to struggle. This helps us grow and learn more about ourselves, it allows God to shape us and mold us, but first we must be willing to be honest with ourselves and others. Psalm 51:10 says "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." We have to allow the Lord to use our mistakes and struggles to refine us and "clean our hearts." Did you ever think that the mess in your life may be just what someone else that is struggling needs to see. Maybe the Lord allows us to struggle because it is the revealing of something greater. If we constantly try to be something we are not, we might miss what the mess is trying to reveal. So go ahead and be honest with yourself and everyone around you. Don't try to hide. Remember you have been created in His image and are here for a purpose. Use your struggles to minister to someone else! We don't always have to "close the closet door." So if you come over and the bed is not made and there are clothes that need to be folded...just know that is the real Wes and Meg (and Brock-Allen).
{The 'mess' that was in our closet)