atmore wedding photography

Rachel + Rob {Sneak Peek} Atmore, AL Wedding Photography

By Wes Roberts in wes roberts photography atmore wedding photography weddings

As we left the easy sounds of the beach, my thoughts were on the wedding day for Rachel and Rob and excitement for them.  I know they had been long awaiting this day with anticipation and emotion as well as many family members and friends.  Among all the deliveries, the sounds, the buzz, there was Rachel, taking it all in.  This was her dream day; the day that had been thought of a million times and especially since the day Rob expressed his longing to make her his life long helper.  The dress that hung on the wall fit her as she had dreamed as well, and then the word came that time was drawing closer.  With a rush and help of the bridesmaids Rachel was as radiant as the ring on her hand.  The sensation of adrenaline and butterflies all balled into one filled their bodies as the couple began their first glance.


Reception: The Club

Cakes: Gary McGahan - Pastry Chef at Wind Creek Casino & Hotel

Band: Emerge

Flowers: Sherry's Elegant Flowers

Catering: What's Cookin' Catering