limestone county

Project 1000

By Wes Roberts in birmingham april 27th 2001 facebook limestone county project 1000 tornadoes tuscaloosa

While I waited on April 27th for the storms to role in, there never seemed to be a drop from the sky.  Grey clouds, peeks from the sun, but never a drop.  Yet while we had a glimpses of safety the rest of Alabama, specifically mid-northern area was feeling devastation.  As we learned the events, reports from Tuscaloosa, Birmingham, Limestone County, Eclectic and so many other areas started rolling in.  Tornadoes ravaged the area leaving families to pick up pieces of what use to be and asking why.  As I watched a clip of this massive tornado churning, at what seemed to be less than half a mile away from the camera, I couldn't help but be scared.  And then I came across a page on Facebook,  titled "Pictures and Documents found after April 27th Tornadoes"  and it hit me.  I looked over on my walls and couldn't imagine losing the images that painted our rooms.  The families that experienced this destruction didn't have time to grab their valuables and run to the basement.   A tornado isn't like any other natural disaster, where you know its coming and there is time to react.  Its quick and violent and can take away everything in a second.  I pushed back and walked for a second and thought like many of you what can I do, what are my resources?  Little did I know, a fellow photographer friend was doing the same thing at the same time.  I picked up the phone and called Tiffany at Lucky Photography and explained my idea which lined up right with what she was thinking.  Out of our conversation came Project 1000.  What is Project 1000?

Project 1000 was created out of a desire help the victims of the April 27th tornadoes that affected much of North Central Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Georgia.  The project was created to meet two needs that we felt existed:  one being the most thought about and the other an afterthought that most don’t think about.  We as photographers have an ability and talent that we can use to help the relief efforts of the tornado after effects.  Project 1000 has been set up in two parts.

1.        On May 14th we will be holding a day of portrait session where all proceeds will be given to the American Red Cross specifically to the tornado relief effort.  Currently the sessions will be held in two locations (Montgomery, AL and Columbus, GA).  Project 1000 is unique in that it is a group of photographers, all who are professionals joining together to pool their talents for the cause.

2.       The 2nd area of Project 1000 is specifically and intimately geared for the victims.  On specified days, we have coordinated with shelters, days where we can help families replace their valued heirlooms by setting up free sessions.  We will travel to the affected areas and take as many portraits as possible.

We are blessed that Pictage labs have joined the efforts in sponsorship.


When: Project 1000 will take place at on May 14th

Where:  Montgomery, AL (The Alabama Shakespeare Festival)  and Columbus, GA (across from Heritage Park).

Time:  9:00am -5:00pm central for Alabama site and 9:00am – 5:00pm eastern for Georgia site

How Much:  Session fees will be $50 and 15 minutes per session.  Images will be loaded into a gallery and available for purchase a la carte.

Donations and Proceeds:  Donation and Proceeds will be forwarded into a Wells Fargo account specifically set up for the tornado victims by the name Project 1000.  All proceeds will be donated to the American Red Cross

Contact Points:  Wes Roberts and Tiffany Hughes -


Facebook Page:

If you are interested in a session please feel free to shoot us an message on the Facebook page by email to let us know, or just come on out and share the word, PLEASE.   If you are a professional photographer and would like to participate please contact us at so that we can send you more information.