metal ornaments

Look What's Hanging on the Tree!!!

By Wes Roberts in wes roberts photography metal ornaments christmas cards

As my father-in-law  and I were putting out Christmas lights yesterday my niece was singing in her sweet little voice "stwing de lights on de chriswis twee".  As she was singing it could help but think how great this is.  The anticipation of Christmas has always been magical and I have always looked forward to it, the gifts, the family, and  celebrating Jesus most of all. 

If your looking for a gift that is different or looking for a new way to decorate your tree, here is a great way.  These beauts are a new product that we have started offing that is simply great.  Metal Ornaments!!!  It creates an easy way to share your images and is super durable.  I love how metal gives that old time feel and coupling that with an image of your family,  WOW.  They come in 12 Ornament Shapes, made of 100% recycled aluminum,  and you can even add magnets to enjoy all year.  It also includes white ribbon and single drilled hole at top so that you can hang right on the Christmas tree. 


We are also offering a great line of custom designed Luxe cards this year that will be sure to catch the eye with a touch of a whimsy shape.  Don't they just look fun!  Contact us about your session or these products and we will be more than happy to talk with you about them!