"These are Our Days"

By Wes Roberts

Before you even get to the stadium, you can hear the sounds... the band playing, the cheerleaders, and the smell of excitement.  This is Friday night, Game Night!  The proving grounds of who we are and where our roots come from.  You've played (in some form) and felt the pains, and the joys.  As this season starts, I'm excited to start this project which is called "These are Our Days".  I truly believe that at the prep level, you see some of the most pure forms of emotion and this is what these players play on.  As I cover the season, stay close to the blog and watch the fights that happen on the field, it may bring back to mind "Your Days".  I hope you enjoy and God Bless,


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1 comment, add yours

Summer says:

OOh i love the one of the coach pointing up to the scoreboard. Some of these have sucha timeless feel to them. Love them.

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